Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Today's Test

Today in class, we took the cultural geography and world religion test. It wasn't that hard like I thought it would be. It was pretty good and it only had a few questions that I didn't really know or study. The setup of the test wasn't bad either because it was all multiple choice and there was no essay. I think multiple choice tests are the easiest because all the answers are there for you and you don't have to worry about it. Essays aren't always hard, but I feel like you won't get the full points for the essay unless you know what your teacher will except to be in your essay and what they won't except. We took the test and it didn't take that long either, it was only like maybe about 30 questions. After everyone took the test, Mr. Schick graded the Scantron tests. It took like two seconds and that same class we had enough time to know our final grade. I was really nervous because I really needed a good grade. I finally found out my percentage grade and it was an 85% so it was fine with me and I was okay with it. I really wanted an A but I knew that I wasn't too sure I would get one so I didn't but the 85 was good with me because other people got lower than that. Some people got really bad grades which didn't make sense and I bet they thought the same way because it wasn't a bad test in any way. I don't really know but I was happy with the grade because it won't take my grade down at all and I was happy we found out our grade in class because I was already worried about it.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Review for test

Today in class, we reviewed what would be on the test for Wednesday. I feel like after we reviewed, it seems to be a little bit easier on knowing what we should expect on the test. Before, I was kind of worried because I really wasn't sure and I really need a solid A on this test so I can have an A in this class instead of a B. I am really trying for that because I really want it obviously and because I know I can do it, it's just not always easy. This test doesn't seem that it will be that hard, it is just I feel like I will worry until we get our grade back because I mean that's what everyone does. It's just typical to do that really. During class, I asked to go over the cultural geography powerpoint because that was the part of the test I was worried about. I feel better about that powerpoint because Mr. Schick just told us all the things that we would be tested on for each of the slides which was great so we really did know what to expect. The world religions powerpoint though I feel like I have got pretty well, but I am going to keep going over it tomorrow for memory and make sure I know what is really important and what isn't that important. I honestly think that it really won't be bad and I kind of knew we would have a test before exams because that is what seems to be happening in like each class because everyone wants to try and start new things when we get back from Christmas break in January. Anyway, I hope I do really good on this test and it really brings my grade up.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Friday's Class - 12/5/14

Yesterday in class, we talked more about the world religions that are major. The five major world religions are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism. We didn't have to take many notes because the powerpoint was quite short and we need to know the information for Wednesday. Our test on Cultural Geography and the World Religions is on Wednesday and I am kind of nervous about it because I think the Slumdog Millionaire part will be pretty easy but the part about Cultural Geography I feel like there is so much information to take in and I wasn't there one day and I really hope I didn't miss much because we have the test so soon. I'm going to get the notes maybe or ask if Mr. Schick could put the Cultural Geography powerpoint up on the Human Geo blog so I could try and study from that. I hope this test is easy and I could get a really good grade and maybe my grade could go from a high B to an A because I know from the past test, my grade did go down which I didn't obviously want it to but it did and I'm hoping it will be fine.

Thursday, December 4, 2014


Today in class we listened to the song Mr. Schick made from the song "I wanna be a billionaire." He made a cover of that song using Slumdog Millionaire references. It was pretty good because I bet it took a while to try and come with lyrics. Like there really is a lot to change depending on how much you want to refer to the movie. It was pretty cool how it all turned out and that would be cool to do myself one day. After that was over, we continued to take notes from a powerpoint. I obviously didn't have all the notes because I wasn't there the day before. I'm going to get the notes way before we have a test whenever that will be and get them from Katie. We wrote some notes down today not a lot because in the beginning of class we had a fire drill and that took up like 20 minutes of class which was good. Other than that, we just talked about some of the world's religions and how big they are and how some aren't so big. Like there are like 5 main types of religion in the world and they are the religions that have many people who believe in them. There are also religions that are parody ones such as one we talked about today but I can't remember the name. I was absolutely bizarre. We were just talking about some of the things that go with that parody religion and it seemed really crazy and weird. I don't think we really did anything else but class ended pretty quick so that was it.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Finishing Slumdog Millionaire

On Monday, we finally finished Slumdog Millionaire. I really loved the movie and I really want to watch it again. The whole plot I thought was great and how you were kind of kept guessing until the end to know what happens. The end I felt like really wasn't a twist because Jamal ended up being with Latika and I knew that would happen I mean it had to. They were so cute together and I feel like they fell in love the first time they saw each other. It was kind of confusing at the end because he didn't know the answer and like every question that was given, he did know so I really wasn't expecting that. Then I did realize that when Latika answered the phone when Jamal phoned a friend during the question, he was just so happy that she was safe and okay. So like even if he didn't get the question right and lost all the money, he was just happy he could be with Latika. I really loved that because it was so beautiful. He was just so happy and smiling but like the people who were watching the show didn't know why but he did and he just didn't care if he got the money or not after all that time and stuff that happened. It was so cute and I loved that idea that the writers put into the movie. Overall, the movie was so good and I want to keep watching it over and over again.