Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Today's Test

Today in class, we took the cultural geography and world religion test. It wasn't that hard like I thought it would be. It was pretty good and it only had a few questions that I didn't really know or study. The setup of the test wasn't bad either because it was all multiple choice and there was no essay. I think multiple choice tests are the easiest because all the answers are there for you and you don't have to worry about it. Essays aren't always hard, but I feel like you won't get the full points for the essay unless you know what your teacher will except to be in your essay and what they won't except. We took the test and it didn't take that long either, it was only like maybe about 30 questions. After everyone took the test, Mr. Schick graded the Scantron tests. It took like two seconds and that same class we had enough time to know our final grade. I was really nervous because I really needed a good grade. I finally found out my percentage grade and it was an 85% so it was fine with me and I was okay with it. I really wanted an A but I knew that I wasn't too sure I would get one so I didn't but the 85 was good with me because other people got lower than that. Some people got really bad grades which didn't make sense and I bet they thought the same way because it wasn't a bad test in any way. I don't really know but I was happy with the grade because it won't take my grade down at all and I was happy we found out our grade in class because I was already worried about it.

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