Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Elbert Hubbard

Today in class, we talked about Elbert Hubbard who wrote A Message to Garcia. He was always confused by why people were never trustworthy. They just never did what he wanted them to. A message to Garcia is about President Mckinley and he needs a message delivered to Garcia. During that time, the Spanish-American war was going on. Garcia was in Cuba, and the President needed someone who was reliable to send the message. There was this guy named Rowan who was always willing to send anything and he made it seem like it would always get there. President Mckinley gave it to Rowan to give the message to Garcia who was in still in Cuba. It took Rowan a while to get the message to Cuba, but he did just in time. Elbert Hubbard wrote A Message to Garcia in 1899 and was copied countless times. Hubbard also wrote many other pieces, but I think the most famous was A Message to Garcia. The whole story itself is pretty interesting. It kind of relates to some things that happen in real life, even today. The story is like a life lesson, that teaches that people won't always take your trust as something to take seriously, they might just play around and not take it seriously.

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