Saturday, September 13, 2014


Globalization is the connection of different parts of the world. It is what connects all the countries and the continents. They aren't connected physically, but socially and connected through business. I think that globalization is a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing is that people all around the world can be more connected and can relate more. Even though the world and people will never be perfect, people can relate and accept everyone the way they are in some ways. The bad thing is that people who are in different parts in the world could lose some of their culture. They could do things differently and eat certain things that could be from other places but forget about their food in their culture. Everyone and every place has their own originality. It is what makes them unique and they need that. In some ways, globalization could ruin that. People might be so hooked on something new from lets say the US and love the idea, but they forget about their own things they created and not care anymore. I know that seems kind of extreme because why would anyone actually do that, but it could occur in some ways. For example, in China, there are many McDonald's that are going into business and are affecting the youth. Young people might not eat with their families or even want to eat Chinese food. They probably like how it is faster and more convenient and you can eat it whenever. Especially, people who are in college or even high school because they need to keep track of time. Their breaks are limited and they need to get food faster. Fast food restaurants from the US most likely, can make things easier when it comes to their meals. Businesses are not the only thing that are globalized. Globalization is also the expansion of international, cultural, economic, and political activities. Globalization changes almost everything, the way people live and the way people think. Globalization makes things more modern and updated.

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