Monday, September 15, 2014

Review in class today

Today we reviewed everything for our first Human Geo test on Wednesday. The test is on pretty much everything we talked about since the first day of class. It seems pretty easy once your pretty familiar with what we learned. A message to Garcia, ancient Greece, Socrates, and Globalization are all included. I think this unit was pretty easy to understand even though I haven't really learned any of it before. In middle school, I learned about like how the US came to be and all the successful people that were involved in building our country. I think learning about ancient Greece and Socrates was interesting because it was new and kinda crazy to believe. When we learn about the greek gods and how people were in ancient Greece, it's kind of hard to believe. I don't mean that in any bad way, I am just saying that it's hard for us to really take in how it used to be. I thought the story on Socrates was interesting because he stood up for what he believed in. He was willing to die for it and it was admiring to hear how passionate he was about it. He thought that what he did was right and he had no defense. He felt like he didn't need to prove to people things that they couldn't understand. It was cool to hear about it because you always think that is so inspiring. It is inspiring because it shows how people defend themselves and some people are too scared to even try. Most people just brush things off when something bad happens and they don't draw attention. They should stand up for themselves and their rights. The story of Socrates and his death illustrated that. After all, "The unexamined life is not worth living."

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