Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Facts about world leaders

Today in class we talked more about some of the world's leaders and some facts about their life. The facts we needed to find were ones that really told the story about the leader as to how they became one. Such as Dilma Rouseff, who had a really horrible past when she was arrested for trying to become president. She was tortured for 22 days straight by electric shock and punching. There were so many terrible things she encountered in jail and what those people who tortured her did to her. She didn't deserve it at all no one could believe she was still alive in the aftermath. She is a pretty incredible person because of what she did to become president and the amount of determination she had to go further and actually make her president. Just thinking about it is pretty amazing that someone would want to achieve that after everything she went though. Dilma Rouseff is a pretty amazing leader and has an incredible story. Other leaders have great stories too, but I feel like this story is extra important and really powerful. The message that Dilma is trying to send is amazing, saying to never give up no matter what happens and what seems to come your way. She is a very admiring person to many people.

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