Monday, October 20, 2014

Today's Class

Today in class, we went over our recent blog where we had a 60 point assignment due. I had to change one thing because I put the wrong leader for the United Kingdom. I had Queen Elizabeth II which was wrong because she isn't like the political leader that deals with all the big problems. She is just the queen, but there is a prime minister who takes care of all the important and big work that has to be done. So that was changed from my blog but everything else was fine. I checked my grade for it in Powerschool and I got a 60/60 which made my human geo grade go from a 87 to an 89 which made me really happy because I'm close to an A again. I had a 90 in the beginning of the year but it was taken down a little bit because of the second human geo test. Where I got like an 83 or something like that. We have a new assignment due on Wednesday about facts we need to find for each of the leaders we looked up. We have to choose at least two new facts about them that we don't know and put them into our next blog. It doesn't seem hard at all or much work, just some researching we need to get done. It also helps us write our next blog and sometimes we don't know what to write because sometimes we just review things in class. It should be easy though and also interesting because we will learn new things about some of our world leaders.

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