Monday, November 24, 2014

Slumdog Millionaire

Today in class, we continued to watch the movie Slumdog Millionaire. This whole movie has honestly been a roller coaster. I think it has been a great movie since the beginning. The story and plot is just incredible and I've always seen the previews for the movie in the past and I kind of just brushed it off and said that it wouldn't be worth watching. I was totally wrong like this movie is really good and I didn't think that I would like it this much and want to watch more. I can't wait to see the end and see what the final question is and see how Jamal gets the money. He has done such a good job so far answering every question right. He was even sabotaged a little bit by the guy who runs the show because he tried to trick him into telling him an answer. Jamal never let his guard down and didn't give in to the answer that the guy tried to give him. The guy tried to do this because he thought Jamal was a threat because he would be richer than him if he won all the money he is lined up to win. We are now at the part of the final question and that will determine if Jamal gets the money he has played for or if he will loose it all in an instant. Next week we will finish the movie and see what happens at the end and hopefully be very shocked.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Differences between Mumbai and Maryland

There are many differences between the city of Mumbai in India and the state of Maryland in the US. The culture is very different and so are the living conditions. One difference is the way people use a public restroom. In Mumbai, there are outhouses and a hole that leads to the sewers for the bathroom. In Maryland, the restrooms are more reserved and the bathrooms are decent most of the time. The police in Mumbai are rude and they don't have a good relationship with the kids or anyone else. They seem like a threat and in Maryland they are protective and keep people safe. The way that people make money is also a big difference. In Mumbai, in the movie, people make money by selling women and use them for prostitution. In Maryland there are no jobs where that is allowed. It is against the law. The way that people live is very different too. The houses in Mumbai are equivalent to like a small room in a normal house in Maryland. The houses in the slums are made like small shacks and there is only room to have a kitchen. It's crazy how some of those people live in these types of toxic and deadly conditions because of how poor the country is.

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Today in class we started a movie that relates to our cultural geography chapter. We are watching Slumdog Millionaire. The movie shows a lot of culture and how people live in Mumbai and it showed their religion. There was a discrimination between Hindus and Muslims. Hindus were not happy that there were Muslims living anywhere near their area. They would come off this train by the slums where some of the Muslims with sticks and anything else they could use as a weapon. They beat the Muslims and set some of them on fire. There would be people going crazy walking around completely set on fire. It was a terrible scene to watch, it was very graphic and upsetting. They didn't stop and just adults, they took children and also beat them. They didn't care, they just judged them because of their religion and killed many people. It is crazy how some people live in some of those slums in India. They seem like some of the worst places to live. They aren't safe at all because they don't have a proper bathroom and they bathe, drink, and cook, with water from a river that is very dark and very contaminated. The expectancy rate for those people is very low even though people in India have many kids and their birth rate is high. It seems crazy and unbelievable. I am excited to watch more of the movie and find out what happens in the end.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Today in class we tried to finish our extra credit assignment. We had a sub and Mr. Schick gave us the assignment and opportunity to finish our extra credit or edit it if we needed to. I edited my extra credit blog because I did feel like I didn't have enough because we were supposed to talk about the anthem of the country we researched and I realized that I didn't really talk about the Canadian anthem at all. I put in a few sentences on my blog about how the anthem sounded to me and what the feel of it was. I felt like it was a fairly easy assignment and I hope I did it correctly so that I can receive extra points to my grade. I didn't do that bad on the last test but I didn't do too well either so I hope this can bring my grade up a little more. Today was a chill class and I needed it because today was also a very tiring and stressful day.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Cultural Geography - new chapter

Today in class, we started a new unit since we are now done with political geography and we are moving on. The new chapter is called cultural geography. Which I think we are going to learn about different religions and ethnic backgrounds. We might even take a look at all of our different heritages and ethnicities. I think that would be a cool thing to discover one class because we could learn a lot of different things about each of our families. We could also get to know each other as a class better. I know since I have a pretty interesting background that when you look at someone, you could've never guessed that they were from that part of the world or that their families came from that particular country. Even religions could be different also like maybe there are people in everyone's family with different religions. I understand that because my dad's family is a totally different religion and it isn't that close to Christianity. My mom is Catholic but my grandfather was Methodist so she had that sort of relation too. My dad's family is much different because he is Muslim and that is very different from being Catholic. Some people say that it really isn't much different, but I honestly don't think that because there are so many differences. I don't know it's just learning about culture, there are so many things you can find out about other people and maybe how their life is different from your life.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Extra Credit

Canada's Anthem : 

I think the Canadian anthem sounds much different from all the other countries anthems. It sounds better in a way because it sounds upbeat and seems happy. I feel like some other countries have anthems where they sound like a military chant. I feel like those kinds of anthems are not unique in any way and they are demanding. The Canadian anthem sounds free and it represents Canada really well and the lyrics are well written and it has rhythm.

Spotify Playlist by: Sophia and Katie

American Dream by: MKTO
Freedom by: Akon
Free by: Zac Brown Band
National Anthem by: Lana Del Rey
Migration by: Jimmy Buffett
Made in the USA by: Demi Lovato

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Today we took the third human geo test this year. Most of it was multiple choice which I thought and I liked that idea and I think everyone else did too. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be because I didn't really know what to expect with how this whole test would've gone and how it would be. I really hope I didn't fail it because I did feel like some things I guessed on because I just didn't know the answer. Some of the questions you could think of as common sense. It was like the question had the answer in it. I think that may have helped me a little bit with like one or two questions. There was an essay that wasn't a hard question easier. It just seemed weird when I wrote down my answer to it because it didn't make that much sense as I wished it did, but it still answered the question and hopefully it will get full credit for it or at least most of the credit. I also have to say that it wasn't my favorite test to take at all because I have no idea close to knowing how I did. I think I did okay but not as well as I wished. I wished that I studied harder so I could've got like a 90, but I think that I got like an 80 or I'm hoping that I did and I didn't do worse because this is an important grade but I just know that I have to try harder and do better. I hope I find out my grade sooner or later because I will be worrying about it and I'm just not sure.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Test Tomorrow

Wednesday's test was postponed today to tomorrow. There was a powerpoint study guide that we could study from but some links didn't work so that's why it was cancelled. The problem was fixed and we discussed it in class so everything worked out. We got to study the slides today and have extra time to quiz ourselves and each other. I looked through the slides and tried to study to get a better understanding of what will be on the test. The last quiz we took this unit will also be on the test and we get a second chance on it. I didn't do well on the pop quiz we had like 2 weeks ago and that is what took my grade down so this test is important. Since a test is even more points than a pop quiz, I need to do well on this test to get my grade up and pass. I know that some of it will be multiple choice and that makes it easier to take and not spend so much time on the test. I am not a fast test taker, I've always been someone who likes to check everything before I turn it in and I spend time on an answer if I know it isn't right or I don't know it. I feel like this test isn't going to be that easy so I am hoping that I am wrong and I do very well.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Wednesday's Test

Today in class, we talked about the test we will have on Wednesday. This unit has been about like different countries of the world and its leaders and government. We have been studying 12 different countries this whole time trying to understand how each country works and the differences the other countries have compared to the United States. There are so many similarities and differences involving the type of governments of each country and many things about the leaders. Also things like the terms that each leader serves and how each leader runs the country. All these types of things are going to be on the test and I think that a good part of the test will be multiple choice which everyone prefers because it helps get a better grade and know the information easier. I really hope I do my absolute best on this test because I really need it. I have a B in this class and I actually have for a while know and I really want to get as many A's as possible. It is my goal to get way more than I did for the first quarter. This test is important in showing that grade because we only have tests when we like finish a unit or chapter. We only get graded on the blogs two points a day and the tests and quizzes are important in determining what we have at the end of the quarter. I really hope the test is easy and I do really well.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

My Group's Presentation

On Friday, my group had to present our powerpoint project we've been working on for the past week and a half. I was worried because our slides weren't that bad but like we just didn't seem ready. The information for our specific country was hard to find and I feel like we might not have answered the questions we needed to in the best possible way. There were just facts we had that didn't make sense and than you would go to the next slide and it just didn't seem to work. I was also upset about it because the day we presented, Katie was doing the play and wasn't in class. I thought maybe she would've been because I knew she wasn't going to be on Thursday but she wasn't on Friday either. It was just Christina and I who presented the powerpoint and I didn't feel that the presentation flowed together at all really. There were some questions being asked that I just didn't know how to answer. That was annoying because there were other groups who presented and they did a good job and I give them credit. Maybe overall we didn't do that bad, but I really wished we did better and got much more information than we had. Next time I know we will do much better and even better with our research.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Leaving Early

Today I wasn't in human geo class. I had to leave early in algebra because I had a dentist appointment. I left at like 12:00 and it is so boring and stupid. I went to the dentist to get the normal every 6 month check up. They just checked and cleaned and did a normal x-ray for the check up. It wasn't bad at least I got to get lunch afterwards so all is good. I know that in human geo today we probably continued the presentations and I think my group will go tomorrow. We seem like we might be ready but then I'm not so sure. I hope we will be fine and if we don't go tomorrow we will have to present on Monday. The other groups that have already presented did a good job I don't think they did anything wrong really, maybe they just needed a little more information on their slides. Other than that, the presentations so far have been done well. I hope that when we present. our presentation will get an A and we will do well.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Presentation Day 1

Today in class we started presenting our powerpoint that we have been working on this past week. The first group to go was Chris and McKenna and their country was Germany. Germany has a federal republic and the leader of Germany is Angela Merkel. Every five years a new president is elected and every four years a new chancellor is elected. A leader can be impeached in Germany. The second group that presented was Gabi, Skylar, and Suky and their country was France. France has a republic as the form of government even though the country has gone back and forth many times between different forms of the government. Francois Hollande is the leader of France and has been since 2012. He is serving a five year term and when that ends there will be a reelection. France could impeach a leader and it was decided that it was allowed in 2002. There was only one more group that went today and the group was Jonathan and James and they had the United States. The president of the US is Barack Obama. He can only serve 2 terms which is 8 years in total. Andrew Johnson was the only former president of the United States that has been impeached before. The United State's form of government is the federal republic. We elect a new president every 4 years even though presidents are allowed 2 terms if they get reelected. There are still many countries to go and in class we will just keep continuing to present until everyone has presented.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Finishing our powerpoint

On Thursday in class we finished our powerpoint project. We picked a theme and finished putting the information on our slides. I think we covered everything we could find and got all the information we could get. It wasn't that easy to find the facts we were looking for because we really needed to look and keep looking because when you searched for like how long the government had existed it was coming up with weird answers and you really had to find the one that was right. Some answers that came up didn't make sense and you had to go with the best one and figure it out yourself. I think we did a good job on our slides but I feel like we need just a little more information but the problem is that there really isn't anything else to say like fact wise. I feel like maybe the questions we needed to answer were too broad and needed to be a little more specific. I think that it will turn out pretty well and I want to see how other people did their powerpoint because we are going to start sharing ours on Monday.