Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Presentation Day 1

Today in class we started presenting our powerpoint that we have been working on this past week. The first group to go was Chris and McKenna and their country was Germany. Germany has a federal republic and the leader of Germany is Angela Merkel. Every five years a new president is elected and every four years a new chancellor is elected. A leader can be impeached in Germany. The second group that presented was Gabi, Skylar, and Suky and their country was France. France has a republic as the form of government even though the country has gone back and forth many times between different forms of the government. Francois Hollande is the leader of France and has been since 2012. He is serving a five year term and when that ends there will be a reelection. France could impeach a leader and it was decided that it was allowed in 2002. There was only one more group that went today and the group was Jonathan and James and they had the United States. The president of the US is Barack Obama. He can only serve 2 terms which is 8 years in total. Andrew Johnson was the only former president of the United States that has been impeached before. The United State's form of government is the federal republic. We elect a new president every 4 years even though presidents are allowed 2 terms if they get reelected. There are still many countries to go and in class we will just keep continuing to present until everyone has presented.

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