Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Test Tomorrow

Wednesday's test was postponed today to tomorrow. There was a powerpoint study guide that we could study from but some links didn't work so that's why it was cancelled. The problem was fixed and we discussed it in class so everything worked out. We got to study the slides today and have extra time to quiz ourselves and each other. I looked through the slides and tried to study to get a better understanding of what will be on the test. The last quiz we took this unit will also be on the test and we get a second chance on it. I didn't do well on the pop quiz we had like 2 weeks ago and that is what took my grade down so this test is important. Since a test is even more points than a pop quiz, I need to do well on this test to get my grade up and pass. I know that some of it will be multiple choice and that makes it easier to take and not spend so much time on the test. I am not a fast test taker, I've always been someone who likes to check everything before I turn it in and I spend time on an answer if I know it isn't right or I don't know it. I feel like this test isn't going to be that easy so I am hoping that I am wrong and I do very well.

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