Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Today in class we tried to finish our extra credit assignment. We had a sub and Mr. Schick gave us the assignment and opportunity to finish our extra credit or edit it if we needed to. I edited my extra credit blog because I did feel like I didn't have enough because we were supposed to talk about the anthem of the country we researched and I realized that I didn't really talk about the Canadian anthem at all. I put in a few sentences on my blog about how the anthem sounded to me and what the feel of it was. I felt like it was a fairly easy assignment and I hope I did it correctly so that I can receive extra points to my grade. I didn't do that bad on the last test but I didn't do too well either so I hope this can bring my grade up a little more. Today was a chill class and I needed it because today was also a very tiring and stressful day.

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