Saturday, November 8, 2014

My Group's Presentation

On Friday, my group had to present our powerpoint project we've been working on for the past week and a half. I was worried because our slides weren't that bad but like we just didn't seem ready. The information for our specific country was hard to find and I feel like we might not have answered the questions we needed to in the best possible way. There were just facts we had that didn't make sense and than you would go to the next slide and it just didn't seem to work. I was also upset about it because the day we presented, Katie was doing the play and wasn't in class. I thought maybe she would've been because I knew she wasn't going to be on Thursday but she wasn't on Friday either. It was just Christina and I who presented the powerpoint and I didn't feel that the presentation flowed together at all really. There were some questions being asked that I just didn't know how to answer. That was annoying because there were other groups who presented and they did a good job and I give them credit. Maybe overall we didn't do that bad, but I really wished we did better and got much more information than we had. Next time I know we will do much better and even better with our research.

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